入职演讲:Perspectives on World History, Theories and Realities of Imperialism, and the Impact of Struggle
主题:Perspectives on World History, Theories and Realities of Imperialism, and the Impact of Struggle
演讲者:Dr.Kwesi D.L.S Prah
Contextualizing thedemands for sustainability, material equality and prosperity, freedoms and rights, have becomemore relevant, and more contentious given the growing disparities in access to knowledge and knowledge production, the valuation and distribution of wealth in Africa, and China.
The Afro-Chinese partnership, perspectives on World History, theories and realities of Imperialism, and the impact of Struggle have brought to life new conversations and actions on what human futures can look like, in ways which have appeared threatening to some, and provident to others.The increasingly complex and obscure movement of financial capital, and the African world’s neo-colonial relationship with the rest of the world is debilitating any effort at genuinely enabling constructive ideas, institutions, and methods of change and interaction.  The point of argument lies in the growingin-ability of the Afro-Chinese narrative to divorce itself from the political and economic legacies of Euro-American ‘modernity’. This creates a superficial and brittle foundation for an Afro-Chinese ‘development agenda’. Therefore the thematic question for this paper is; to what extenthas the notion of social welfare and development impacted China’s policy in Southern Africa, and Africa’s strategic agendas in China?
Reviving and re-centering Afro-Chinese perspectives around the notion of social development can thus be argued to be pivotal in providing authenticity and purpose for development agendas in both Africa and China.
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