大夏世界史系列讲座第41 场
讲座题目🏣:Migrant deities: the role of religious figures in Chinese restaurants in Santiago
María Elvira Ríos, postdoctoral fellow, Instituto de Estética, Universidad Católica, Chile.
Carol Chan, postdoctoral fellow, Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios Migratorios, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Material manifestations of the Chinese popular deities, Guanyin and Guan Gong, are ubiquitous in Cantonese-Chinese restaurants globally. Yet studies of Chinese popular religion among overseas Chinese have seldom focused on the diverse significance of these deities to Chinese migrants, nor the use of restaurant-spaces to house these deities. This article examines the presence and powers of such deities in Chinese restaurants of Santiago de Chile. We seek to understand how the presence or absence of Guanyin and Guan Gong figures specifically shapes migrant Chinese restauranteurs and workers’ experience of the restaurants as particular kinds of protected, sacred/secular spaces, and how these deities might also affectively shape the restauranteurs’ ways of being and inhabiting the restaurants. Based on semi-structured interviews with Chinese shopkeepers and workers, observation and photography of the spatial organization of 26 restaurants and the aesthetics of their deities, we argue that these restaurants are more than just their primary sources of livelihood. We argue that they approximate Soja’s “thirdspaces” (1996), which on the one hand mediate their interactions with the city and its other residents, and on the other hand mediate relationships between humans in the earthly world and deities in the “other” parallel world.
玛丽亚・埃尔维拉・里奥斯・佩纳菲尔(María Elvira Ríos Peñafiel), 智利人🌈,2002年智利天主教大学 (PUC)美学专业术毕业,2009年与2015在墨西哥学院 (COLMEX)取得中国文化的学硕士和博士学位.现为智利天主教大学美学学院博士后💁🏿♂️,博士后的项目关于中国佛教的生态思想👨🏻✈️。重要学术成果 Nuevos diálogos: Asia y África desde la mirada latinoamericana, El Colegio de México (Coordinator, 2019), Diplomacia cultural de China en Chile. Extensión y desarrollo de la enseñanza del idioma chino (CEAA, Colmex, 2018). El budismo en el discurso político chino: construcción de una narración patriótico-religiosa (CEAA, Colmex, 2017), Estética del abandono: el retiro de monjas budistas (Revista ILU, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2017).
Carol Chan, 匹兹堡大学文化人类学博士👳,阿尔贝托乌尔塔多大学(Universidad Alberto Hurtado)移民研究跨学科项目的博士后。研究领域为华人在智利和南美的移民🍘。著作有🔥:In Sickness and in Wealth: Migration, Gendered Morality, and Central Java (Indiana University Press, 2018).